About The Poor Man

The Poor Man has been known by many names over the years – The One Without Currency, the Penniless Pirate, The Meager Salaryman, the Underprivileged, the Destitute Prostitute (okay, maybe not that last one), but most people from his hometown knew him merely as Owen Vincent. Born in Hartburn, Owen was the fifth child in a family that would go on to have four more. Apparently, neither of his parents had been to sex ed and learned what in the world a condom was, so before long Owen found himself sharing a house with multiple siblings, and even with his oldest ones (a big sister and a big brother) moving out and helping financially, social support and the salaries of two nine to five workers could only get him so far.

Developing an interest in gambling early on by watching “Croupier” on TV and completely missing that movie’s message, Owen decided to try his hand at it. He already had a deck of cards, and wouldn’t you know it, he ended up being one hell of a dealer at the tender age of 13. Learning how to use what little money he had in order to (rather illegally) gamble and make more cash to buy the stuff he wanted, Owen transformed himself into Poor Man – the superhero of the 99%… Or at least of those members of the 99% who wanted to gamble on a budget. 15 years after he first started, the artist formerly known as Owen is now actually working as a croupier, and while he’s not as strapped for cash as he once was, he still likes to place a challenge on himself and gamble for as little money as possible.